Teste si Kit-uri Pentru Analiza Apei


Gama completa a testelor si a kit-urilor pentru analiza fizico-chimica a apei de la MACHEREY-NAGEL.

Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa accesati testul dorit sau sa ne contactati.

Parametru Produs recomandat MN Domeniul de masuratoare REF
Acid Acetic NANOCOLOR Organic acids 3000

30–3000 mg/L CH3COOH

0.5–50.0 mmol/L CH3COOH

985 050
Acid binding capacity VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ 931 204
VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– 915 007
Acid consumption VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ 931 204
VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– 915 007
Aciditatea apei VISOCOLOR HE Acidity AC 7 0.2–7.0 mmol/L H+ 915 006
Activ Oxigen QUANTOFIX Active oxygen 4-25 mg/L KMPS 913 49
Adsorbable organically bounded halogens NANOCOLOR AOX 3 0.01–3.0 mg/L AOX 985 007
Alcool NANOCOLOR Ethanol 1000

0.10–1.00 g/L EtOH /

0.013–0.130 Vol. % EtOH

985 838
NANOCOLOR Methanol 15 0.2–15.0 mg/L MeOH 985 859
Alkaline phosphatase in milk Phosphatesmo MI qualitative 906 12
Alkalinity of cooling lubricants QUANTOFIX LubriCheck 15–200 mmol/L KOH 913 36
Alkalinity of water (p/m) QUANTOFIX Carbonate hardness 3.75–25.00 °e 913 23

VISOCOLOR alpha Carbonate hardness


1.3–12.5 °e and higher

1 drop = 1.3 °e

935 016

VISOCOLOR ECO Carbonate hardness


1.3–12.5 °e and higher

1 drop = 1.3 °e

931 014
VISOCOLOR HE Carbonate hardness C 20

0.63–25.00 °e /

0.2–7.2 mmol/L H+

915 003
NANOCOLOR Carbonate hardness 15

1.25–18.75 °e /

0.4–5.4 mmol/L H+

985 015
Alkalinity of water (total) VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ 931 204
VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– 915 007
Aluminu Aluminum test paper qualitative, > 10 mg/L Al3+ 907 21
QUANTOFIX Aluminum 5–500 mg/L Al3+ 913 07
VISOCOLOR ECO Aluminum 0.10–0.50 mg/L Al3+ 931 006
NANOCOLOR Aluminum 07 0.02–0.70 mg/L Al3+ 985 098
NANOCOLOR Aluminum 0.01–1.00 mg/L Al3+ 918 02
Amidosulphuric acid elimination of nitrite interferences   918 973
Amoniu, amoniac Ammonium test paper qualitative, > 10 mg/L NH4+ 907 22
Ammonia test 0.5–6 mg/L NH4+ 907 14
QUANTOFIX Ammonium 10–400 mg/L NH4+ 913 15
VISOCOLOR ECO Ammonium 15 0.5–15 mg/L NH4+ 931 010
VISOCOLOR alpha Ammonium 0.2–3 mg/L NH4+ 935 012
VISOCOLOR ECO Ammonium 3 0.2–3 mg/L NH4+ 931 008
VISOCOLOR HE Ammonium 0.02–0.50 mg/L NH4+ 920 006
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 2000 300–1600 mg/L NH4-N 985 002
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 200 30–160 mg/L NH4-N 985 006
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 100 4–80 mg/L NH4-N 985 008
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 50 1–40 mg/L NH4-N 985 005
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 10 0.2–8.0 mg/L NH4-N 985 004
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 3 0.04–2.30 mg/L NH4-N 985 003
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 0.01–2.0 mg/L NH4-N 918 05
Ammonia oxidation, inhibition BioFix nitrification inhibition A-Tox 0–100 % inhibition 970 001
Analytical accessories for the NANOCOLOR system
Analytical quality control NANOCONTROL NANOCHECK, NANOTURB, Standards
Anionic surfactants (surfactanti anionici) NANOCOLOR Anionic surfactants 4 0.20–4.00 mg/L MBAS 985 032
NANOCOLOR Detergents anionic 0.02–5.0 mg/L MBAS 918 32
Antimoniu Antimony test paper qualitative, > 5 mg/L Sb3+ 907 23
AOX NANOCOLOR AOX 3 0.01–3.0 mg/L AOX 985 007
Aquarium water

QUANTOFIX Multistick for aquarium owners

Total hardness 6.3–31.3 °e;

Carbonate hardness 3.8–25.0 °e;

pH 6.4–8.4

913 26,

913 27

VISOCOLOR alpha   935 …
Arsenic, arseniu Arsenic test paper qualitative, > 0.5 μg As 907 62
QUANTOFIX Arsenic 50 0.05–3.0 mg/L As3+/5+ 913 32
QUANTOFIX Arsenic 10 0.01–0.5 mg/L As3+/5+ 913 34
QUANTOFIX Arsenic Sensitive 0.005–0.5 mg/L As3+/5+ 913 45
Acid Ascorbic QUANTOFIX Ascorbic acid 50–2000 mg/L vitamin C 913 14
ATP test BioFix Lumi ATP    
Biochemical oxygen demand (consum biochimic de oxigen) NANOCOLOR BOD5 2–3000 mg/L O2 985 822
NANOCOLOR BOD5-TT (simplified tube test) 0.5–3000 mg/L O2 985 825
BioFix Rapid tests for hygienic monitoring    
BioFix Lumi Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems BioFix Lumi    
Biolumineszence Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems BioFix Lumi    
Biotoxicity Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems BioFix Lumi    
Bismut Bismuth test paper qualitative, > 60 mg/L Bi3+ 907 33
Blood traces (urme de sange) Peroxtesmo KM qualitative 906 05
BOD5 (CBO5, consum biochimic de oxigen) NANOCOLOR BOD5 2–3000 mg/L O2 985 822
NANOCOLOR BOD5-TT (simplified tube test) 0.5–3000 mg/L O2 985 825
Borates, boric acid Tumeric paper qualitative, > 20 mg/L B 907 47
Bromide, Chloride Saltesmo 0.45–8.8 g/L NaBr 906 08
Bromine VISOCOLOR ECO Bromine 0.10–13.00 mg/L Br2 931 211
with NANOCOLOR Chlorine tests    
Cadmiu NANOCOLOR Cadmium 2 0.05–2.00 mg/L Cd2+ 985 01



0.002–0.50 mg/L Cd2+

918 13,

918 131

Calciu QUANTOFIX Calcium 10–100 mg/L Ca2+ 913 24

5–50 mg/L Ca2+ and higher

1 drop = 5 mg/L Ca2+

931 012

0.6–25.0 °e /

0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+

915 010
NANOCOLOR Hardness Ca / Mg 10–100 mg/L Ca2+ 985 044
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 10–100 mg/L Ca2+ 985 043
Carbonate hardness of water QUANTOFIX Carbonate hardness 3.75–25.00 °e 913 23
VISOCOLOR alpha Carbonate hardness

1.3–12.5 °e and higher

1 drop = 1.3 °e

935 016

VISOCOLOR ECO Carbonate hardness

1.3–12.5 °e and higher

1 drop = 1 °e

931 014

VISOCOLOR HE Carbonate hardness C 20


0.63–25.00 °e /

0.2–7.2 mmol/L H+

915 003

NANOCOLOR Carbonate hardness 15


1.25–18.75 °e /

0.4–5.4 mmol/L H+

985 015
Carbonic acid VISOCOLOR HE Acidity AC 7 0.2–7.0 mmol/L H+ 915 006
Cationic surfactants (surfactanti cationici) NANOCOLOR Cationic surfactants 4 0.20–4.00 mg/L CTAB 985 034
NANOCOLOR Detergents, cationic 0.05–5.0 mg/L CTAB 918 34
Chemical oxygen demand
(CCO-Cr, consum chimic de oxigen)
NANOCOLOR COD 60000 5.0–60.0 g/L O2 985 012
NANOCOLOR COD 15000 1.0–15.0 g/L O2 985 028
NANOCOLOR COD 10000 1.00–10.00 g/L O2 985 023
NANOCOLOR COD 4000 400–4000 mg/L O2 985 011
NANOCOLOR COD 1500 100–1500 mg/L O2 985 029
NANOCOLOR COD 600 50–600 mg/L O2 985 030
NANOCOLOR COD 300 50–300 mg/L O2 985 033
NANOCOLOR COD 160 15–160 mg/L O2 985 026
NANOCOLOR COD 160 Hg-free 15–160 mg/L O2 963 026
NANOCOLOR COD 60 5–60 mg/L O2 985 022
NANOCOLOR COD 40 2–40 mg/L O2 985 027
Chloride Saltesmo 0.25–5 g/L NaCl 906 08
QUANTOFIX Chloride 500–≥ 3000 mg/L Cl– 913 21
VISOCOLOR HE Chloride CL 500 5–500 mg/L Cl– 915 004
VISOCOLOR ECO Chloride 1–60 mg/L Cl– 931 018
NANOCOLOR Chloride 200 5–200 mg/L Cl– 985 019
NANOCOLOR Chloride 50 0.5–50.0 mg/L Cl– 985 021
NANOCOLOR Chloride 0.2–125 mg/L Cl– 918 20
Chloride complexing agents elimination of interfering chloride during COD measurement 918 911
Chloride elimination, cartridges elimination of interfering chloride during COD and nitrate measurements 918 911
Clor liber, total, combinat, rezidual Chlortesmo qualitative, > 1 mg/L chlorine 906 03
Chlorine test 10–200 mg/L Cl2 907 09
QUANTOFIX Chlorine 1–100 mg/L Cl2 913 17
QUANTOFIX Chlorine Sensitive 0.1–10 mg/L Cl2 913 39
VISOCOLOR alpha Chlorine 0.25–2.0 mg/L Cl2 935 019
VISOCOLOR ECO Chlorine 1, free and total 0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2 931 035

VISOCOLOR ECO Chlorine 2, free and total


0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2 931 015
VISOCOLOR ECO free Chlorine 2 0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2 931 016
VISOCOLOR ECO Chlorine 6, free and total 0.05–6.00 mg/L Cl2 931 217
VISOCOLOR ECO free Chlorine 6 0.05–6.00 mg/L Cl2 931 219
VISOCOLOR HE Chlorine 0.02–0.60 mg/L Cl2 920 015
NANOCOLOR Chlorine / Ozone

2 0.05–2.50 mg/L Cl2 /

0.05–2.00 mg/L O3

985 017
NANOCOLOR Chlorine 0.02–10.0 mg/L Cl2 918 16
also see swimming pool parameters    
Chlorine dioxide VISOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide < 0.2–3.8 mg/L ClO2 931 021
NANOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide 5 0.15–5.00 mg/L CIO2 985 018
NANOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide 0.04–4.00 mg/L CIO2 918 163
Chlorite NANOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide 0.04–4.00 mg/L CIO2 918 163
Chromate / Chromium(VI) Chromium test paper qualitative, > 5 mg/L CrO42– 907 24
QUANTOFIX Chromate 3–100 mg/L CrO42– 913 01
VISOCOLOR ECO Chromium(VI) 0.02–0.50 mg/L Cr(VI) 931 020
NANOCOLOR Chromate 5 0.01–4.0 mg/L CrO42– 985 024
NANOCOLOR Chromate 0.01–6.0 mg/L CrO42– 918 25
NANOCOLOR Chromium total 2 0.005–2,00 mg/L CrO42– 985 059
Chromium, total NANOCOLOR Chromium total 2 0.005–2,00 mg/L CrO42– 985 059
With NANOCOLOR Chromate tests and NanOx Metal
Clarification precipitation NANOCOLOR Reagents for sample preparation 918 937
Cobalt Cobalt test paper (qualitative) > 25 mg/L Co2+ / 0.5 % Co 907 28
QUANTOFIX Cobalt 10–1000 mg/L Co2+ 913 03
NANOCOLOR Cobalt 0.002–0.70 mg/L Co2+ 918 51
COD (CCO-Cr, consum chimic de oxigen) NANOCOLOR COD 60000 5.0–60.0 g/L O2 985 012
NANOCOLOR COD 15000 1.0–15.0 g/L O2 985 028
NANOCOLOR COD 10000 1.00–10.00 g/L O2 985 023
NANOCOLOR COD 4000 400–4000 mg/L O2 985 011
NANOCOLOR COD 1500 / ISO 15705 100–1500 mg/L O2 985 029
NANOCOLOR COD 600 50–600 mg/L O2 985 030
NANOCOLOR COD 300 50–300 mg/L O2 985 033
NANOCOLOR COD 160 / ISO 15705 15–160 mg/L O2 985 026
NANOCOLOR COD 160 Hg-free 15–160 mg/L O2 963 026
NANOCOLOR COD 60 / ISO 15705 5–60 mg/L O2 985 022
NANOCOLOR COD 40 / ISO 15705 2–40 mg/L O2 985 027
COD-free water for control measurements and dilution   918 993
Color of water



5 –500 mg/L Pt /

0.2–20.0 1/m

Complexing agents QUANTOFIX EDTA 100–400 mg/L EDTA 913 35
NANOCOLOR Complexing agents 10 0.5–10.0 mg/L IBic 985 052
Cooling lubricants, concentration (lubrifianti) QUANTOFIX LubriCheck 15-200 mmol/L KOH 913 36

Cooling lubricants, nitrite content


QUANTOFIX Nitrate/Nitrite

10–500 mg/L NO3–,

1–80 mg/L NO2–

913 13
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 1–80 mg/L NO2– 913 11

1–80 mg/L NO2– ;

pH 6.0–9.6


913 38



0.02–1.50 mg/L NO2– 985 068



0.005–1.0 mg/L NO2– 918 67
Cupru Copper test paper qualitative, > 20 mg/L Cu2+ 907 29
Cuprotesmo qualitative, > 0.05 μg Cu 906 01
QUANTOFIX Copper 10–300 mg/L Cu+/2+ 913 04
VISOCOLOR ECO Copper 0.1–1.5 mg/L Cu2+ 931 037
VISOCOLOR HE Copper 0.04–0.50 mg/L Cu2+ 920 050
NANOCOLOR Copper 7 0.10–7.00 mg/L Cu2+ 985 054
NANOCOLOR Copper 0.01–10.0 mg/L Cu2+ 918 53
Cianuri Cyantesmo qualitative, > 0.2 mg/L HCN 906 04
QUANTOFIX Cyanide 1–30 mg/L CN– 913 18
VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanide 0.01–0.20 mg/L CN– 931 022
VISOCOLOR HE Cyanide 0.002–0.04 mg/L CN– 920 028
NANOCOLOR Cyanide 08 0.005–0.80 mg/L CN– 985 031
NANOCOLOR Cyanide 0.001–0.50 mg/L CN– 918 30
Acid cianuric Cyanuric acid test 50–300 mg/L Cya 907 10
VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanuric acid 10–100 mg/L Cya 931 023
DEHA (Diethylhydroxylamine) VISOCOLOR ECO DEHA 0.01–0.30 mg/L DEHA 931 024
NANOCOLOR DEHA 1 0.05–1.00 mg/L DEHA 985 035
Dehydrogenase activity NANOCOLOR TTC 150 5–150 μg TPF 985 890
Detergenti, anionici NANOCOLOR Anionic surfactants 4 0.20–4.00 mg/L MBAS 985 032
NANOCOLOR Detergents anionic 0.02–5.0 mg/L MBAS 918 32
Detergenti, cationici NANOCOLOR Cationic surfactatnts 4 0.20–4.00 mg/L CTAB 985 034
NANOCOLOR Detergents, cationic 0.05–5.0 mg/L CTAB 918 34
Detergenti, nonionici NANOCOLOR Nonionic surfactants 15 0.3–15.0 mg/L Triton X-100 985 047
Diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA) VISOCOLOR ECO DEHA 0.01–0.30 mg/L DEHA 931 024
NANOCOLOR DEHA 1 0.05–1.00 mg/L DEHA 985 035

Disinfectants (QUATS)

INDIQUAT indicator papers semi-quantitative

909 000–

909 002

QUANTOFIX QUAT 10–1000 mg/L benzalkonium chloride 913 37
Distilled water for dilution   918 932
EDTA QUANTOFIX EDTA 100–400 mg/L EDTA 913 35
Etanol NANOCOLOR Ethanol 1000

0.10–1.00 g/L EtOH /

0.013–0.130 Vol. % EtOH

985 838
Fatty acids NANOCOLOR Organic acids 3000

30–3000 mg/L CH3COOH

0.5–50.0 mmol/L CH3COOH

985 050
Fluoride, hydrogen fluoride Fluoride test paper qualitative, > 20 mg/L F– 907 50
Fluoride test 2–100 mg/L F– 907 34
VISOCOLOR ECO Fluoride 0.1–2.0 mg/L F– 931 227
NANOCOLOR Fluoride 2 0.1–2.0 mg/L F– 985 040
NANOCOLOR Fluoride 0.05–2.00 mg/L F– 918 142
Formaldehyde QUANTOFIX Formaldehyde 10–200 mg/L HCHO 913 28
NANOCOLOR Formaldehyde 10 0.02–10.00 mg/L HCHO 985 046
NANOCOLOR Formaldehyde 8 0.1–8.0 mg/L HCHO 985 041
Glucoza QUANTOFIX Glucose 50–2000 mg/L glucose 913 48
Glutaraldehida QUANTOFIX Glutaraldehyde 0.5–2.5 % glutaraldehyde 913 43
H2O2 QUANTOFIX Peroxide 1000 50–1000 mg/L H2O2 913 33
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 100 1–100 mg/L H2O2 913 12
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 25 0.5–25 mg/L H2O2 913 19
NANOCOLOR Peroxide 2 0.03–2.00 mg/L H2O2 985 871
HACCP BioFix Lumi ATP   946 …
Duritatea apei AQUADUR test strips

3.75–31.25 °e /

3.75–26.25 °e /

3.75–17.50 °e

912 01 /

912 20 /

912 39

AQUADUR Sensitive 0–1.38 °e 912 10
VISOCOLOR alpha total Hardness

1 drop f 1.25 °e f 17.8

mg/L CaCO3

935 042
VISOCOLOR ECO total Hardness

1 drop f 1.25 °e f

17.8 mg/L CaCO3

931 029

VISOCOLOR HE total Hardness H 20 F

0.6–25.0 °e /

0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+

915 005
VISOCOLOR HE total Hardness H 2

0.06–2.50 °e /

0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+

915 002
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness 0.05–0.38 °e 935 080
NANOCOLOR Hardness Ca / Mg 1.25–25.0 °e 985 044
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 1.25–25.0 °e 985 043
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 0.03–1.25 °e 985 084
Blocuri incalzitoare, digestoare
unitati de digestie

919 300,

919 350,

919 330

Heavy metals in sludge NANOCOLOR Sludge decomposition with aqua regia 918 50
Humidity, relative Moisture indicator 20–80 % rel. humidity 908 01
8 % rel. humidity 908 901
Moisture indicator without cobalt chloride 8 % rel. humidity 908 903
Hydrazine VISOCOLOR ECO Hydrazine 0.05–0.40 mg/L N2H4 931 030
NANOCOLOR Hydrazine 0.002–1.50 mg/L N2H4 918 44
Hidrocarburi Oil test paper qualitative 907 60

0.5–5.6 mg/L HC in water

30–300 mg/kg HC in soil

985 057
Hydrocyanic acid, cyanide Cyantesmo qualitative, > 0.2 mg/L HCN 906 04
QUANTOFIX Cyanide 1–30 mg/L CN– 913 18
VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanide 0.01–0.20 mg/L CN– 931 022
VISOCOLOR HE Cyanide 0.002–0.04 mg/L CN– 920 028
NANOCOLOR Cyanide 08 0.005–0.80 mg/L CN– 985 031
NANOCOLOR Cyanide 0.001–0.50 mg/L CN– 918 30
Hydrogen peroxide QUANTOFIX Peroxide 1000 50–1000 mg/L H2O2 913 33
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 100 1–100 mg/L H2O2 913 12
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 25 0.5–25 mg/L H2O2 913 19
NANOCOLOR Peroxide 2 0.03–2.00 mg/L H2O2 985 871
Hydrosulfite special instructions with VISOCOLOR HE Sulfite SU 100  
Controlul igienizarii BioFix Lumi ATP   946 …
Internal quality control NANOCOLOR T-Set   919 917
NANOCONTROL system   925 …
Iodide Saltesmo 0.7–14.2 g/L KI 906 08
IQC NANOCOLOR T-Set   919 917
NANOCONTROL system   925 …
Iron, divalent Dipyridyl paper qualitative, > 2 mg/L Fe2+ 907 25
Fier Iron test paper qualitative, > 10 mg/L Fe2+/3+ 907 26
QUANTOFIX Total iron 1000 5–1000 mg/L Fe2+/3+ 913 30
QUANTOFIX Total iron 100 2–100 mg/L Fe2+/3+ 913 44
VISOCOLOR ECO Iron 2 0.04–1.0 mg/L Fe 931 026
VISOCOLOR ECO Iron 1 0.04–1.0 mg/L Fe 931 025
VISOCOLOR HE Iron 0.01–0.20 mg/L Fe 920 040
NANOCOLOR Iron 3 0.02–3.00 mg/L Fe 985 037
NANOCOLOR Iron 0.01–15.00 mg/L Fe 918 36
Isobutyl methyl ketone for color extraction of NANOCOLOR Phenolic index 5 918 929
Lactoperoxidaza Peroxtesmo MI Qualitative 906 27
Plumb Plumbtesmo

qualitative < 5 mg/L Pb2+

0.05 μg Pb

906 02
NANOCOLOR Lead 5 0.10–5.00 mg/L Pb2+ 985 009
NANOCOLOR Lead 0.005–1.00 mg/L Pb2+ 918 10
Lime precipitation NANOCOLOR reagents for lime precipitation 918 939
Lipophilic substances NANOCOLOR HC 300

0.5–5.6 mg/L HC in water;

30–300 mg/kg HC in soil

985 057
Luminometru BioFix Lumi-10 940 008
Luminous bacteria BioFix Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems

940 …,

945 …

m value (alkalinity) VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– 915 007
VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ 931 204

VISOCOLOR HE Carbonate hardness C 20

0.63–25.00 °e /

0.2–7.0 mmol/L H+

915 003
Magneziu indirect determination with VISOCOLOR  
NANOCOLOR Ca / Mg 5–50 mg/L Mg2+ 985 044
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 5–50 mg/L Mg2+ 985 043
Mangan VISOCOLOR ECO Manganese 0.1–1.5 mg/L Mn 931 038
VISOCOLOR HE Manganese 0.03–0.50 mg/L Mn 920 055
NANOCOLOR Manganese 10 0.02–10.0 mg/L Mn 985 058
NANOCOLOR Manganese 0.01–10.0 mg/L Mn 918 60
Mastita with milk-giving animals Udder test paper qualitative 907 48
Membrane filters For removal of turbidities and undissolved substances 916 …
Metanol NANOCOLOR Methanol 15 0.2–15.0 mg/L MeOH 985 859
Molybdenum QUANTOFIX Molybdenum 5–250 mg/L Mo(VI) 913 25
NANOCOLOR Molybdenum 40 1.0–40.0 mg/L Mo(VI) 985 056

QUANTOFIX Multisticks for aquarium owners

Total hardness 6.25–31.25 °e;

carbonate hardness

3.75–25.00 °e;

pH 6.4–8.4

913 26 /

913 27

Swimming Pool Test 3 in 1

0.5–10 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.4–8.4;

80–240 mg/L CaCO3

907 52
Swimming Pool Test 5 in 1

0–100 mg/L CaCO3;

0.5–10 mg/L Cl2;

0–10 mg/L Cl2;

80–240 mg/L CaCO3;

pH 6.4–8.4

907 59
NanOx Metal reagents for oxidative decomposition of heavy metal samples and determination of total phosphorus with microwave oven or heating block 918 978
NanOx N reagents for determination of total nitrogen with microwave oven or heating block 918 979
Nichel Nickel test paper qualitative, > 10 mg/L Ni2+ 907 30
QUANTOFIX Nickel 10–1000 mg/L Ni2+ 913 05
VISOCOLOR ECO Nickel 0.1–1.5 mg/L Ni2+ 931 040
NANOCOLOR Nickel 4 0.02–7.00 mg/L Ni2+ 985 071
NANOCOLOR Nickel 7 0.02–7.00 mg/L Ni2+ 985 061
NANOCOLOR Nickel 0.01–10.0 mg/L Ni2+ 918 62
Nitrati Nitratesmo 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– 906 11
QUANTOFIX Nitrate 100 5–100 mg/L NO3– 913 51
QUANTOFIX Nitrate/Nitrite

10–500 mg/L NO3–;

1–80 mg/L NO2–

913 13
VISOCOLOR alpha Nitrate 2–50 mg/L NO3– 935 065
VISOCOLOR ECO Nitrate 1–120 mg/L NO3– 931 041
NANOCOLOR Nitrate 250 4–60 mg/L NO3-N 985 066
NANOCOLOR Nitrate 0.9–30.0 mg/L NO3-N 918 65
NANOCOLOR Nitrate 8 0.30–8.00 mg/L NO3-N 985 065
NANOCOLOR Nitrate 50 0.3–22.0 mg/L NO3-N 985 064
NANOCOLOR Nitrate Z 0.1–5.0 mg/L NO3– 918 63
Nitrati si Nitriti Nitratesmo 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– 906 11
QUANTOFIX Nitrate/Nitrite

10–500 mg/L NO3–;

1–80 mg/L NO2–

913 13
Nitrificants, preserved for application in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9509-L38

970 902,

970 903

Nitrification inhibition tests

BioFix A-Tox and N-Tox 0 – 100% inhibition


970 001,

970 002

Nitriti Potassium iodide starch paper qualitative 907 53
Nitratesmo 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– 906 11
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 3000 0.1–3 g/L NO2– 913 22
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 1–80 mg/L NO2– 913 11

QUANTOFIX Nitrate/Nitrite


10–500 mg/L NO3–: 1–80

mg/L NO2–

913 13
VISOCOLOR alpha Nitrite 0.05–1.0 mg/L NO2– 935 066
VISOCOLOR ECO Nitrite 0.02–0.5 mg/L NO2– 931 044
VISOCOLOR HE Nitrite 0.005–0.10 mg/L NO2– 920 063
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 4 0.1–4.0 mg/L NO2-N 985 069
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 2 0.003–0.460 mg/L NO2-N 985 068
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 0.005–1.00 mg/L NO2– 918 67
Nitrite oxidation, inhibition BioFix N-Tox 0–100 % inhibition 970 002
Nitrogen (total), Azot NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 22 0.5–22.0 mg/L N 985 083
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 60 3–60 mg/L N 985 092
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 220 5–220 mg/L N 985 088
Nitrous acid, nitrite Potassium iodide starch paper qualitative 907 53
Nitratesmo 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– 906 11
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 3000 0.1–3 g/L NO2– 913 22
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 1–80 g/L NO2– 913 11
VISOCOLOR alpha Nitrite 0.05–1.0 mg/L NO2– 935 066
VISOCOLOR ECO Nitrite 0.02–0.5 mg/L NO2– 931 044
VISOCOLOR HE Nitrite 0.005–0.10 mg/L NO2– 920 063
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 4 0.1–4.0 mg/L NO2-N 985 069
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 2 0.003–0.460 mg/L NO2-N 985 068
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 0.005–1.0 mg/L NO2– 918 67
Surfactanti nonionici NANOCOLOR Nonionic surfactants 15 0.3–15.0 mg/L Triton X-100 985 047
Nutrient mixture for BOD5 determination  
Ulei in apa sau sol Oil test paper qualitative 907 60

0.5–5.6 mg/L HC in water,

30–300 mg/kg HC in soil

985 057
Acizi organici NANOCOLOR Organic acids 3000 30–3000 mg/L CH3COOH 985 050
Oxidative decompositions Crack set (acid oxidation of aqueous systems in a heating block) 918 08



918 979,

918 978

NANOCOLOR Sludge (decomposition with aqueous systems in a heating block for determination of metals in sludge or soil) 918 50
Oxigen in apa VISOCOLOR ECO Oxygen 1–10 mg/L O2 931 088
VISOCOLOR HE Oxygen SA 10 0.2–10.0 mg/L O2 915 009
NANOCOLOR Oxygen 12 0.5–12.0 mg/L O2 985 082
Ozon Ozone test strips orienting measurement in air 907 36
  Potassium iodide starch paper qualitative 907 53
p value VISOCOLOR HE Carbonate hardness C 20 0.63–25.00 °e 915 003
Acid peracetic QUANTOFIX Peracetic acid 50 5–50 mg/L PAA 913 40
QUANTOFIX Peracetic acid 500 50–500 mg/L PAA 913 41
QUANTOFIX Peracetic acid 2000 500–2000 mg/L PAA 913 42
Peroxidaza in urme de sange Peroxtesmo KM qualitative 906 05
Peroxidaza in alimente Peroxtesmo KO qualitative 906 06
Peroxidase in lapte Peroxtesmo MI qualitative 906 27
Peroxides QUANTOFIX Peroxide 1000 50–1000 mg/L H2O2 913 33
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 100 1–100 mg/L H2O2 913 12
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 25 0.5–25 mg/L H2O2 913 19
NANOCOLOR Peroxide 2 0.03–2.00 mg/L H2O2 985 871
pH Indicator papers without color scale Brillant yellow paper 907 01
Congo paper

907 02 –

907 05

Litmus paper 911 …
Nitrazine yellow paper 907 11
Phenolphtalein paper

907 12 /

907 13

Indicator papers with color scale Duotest 903 …
Special indicator papers 902 …
Tritest 905 …
Universal indicator papers 902 …
especially for colored solutions PEHANON 904 …
VISOCOLOR ECO pH 4.0–9.0 931 066
especially for weakly buffered solutions pH-Fix test strips 921 …
UNISOL liquid indicators

910 02,

910 31

VISOCOLOR alpha pH 5–9 935 075
VISOCOLOR ECO pH 4.0–9.0 931 066
especially for unbuffered solutions VISOCOLOR HE pH 4.0–10.0 920 074
photometric pH-Fix 921 …
VISOCOLOR ECO pH 6.0–8.2 931 270
NANOCOLOR pH 6.5–8.2 918 72
pH value in cooling lubricants QUANTOFIX Nitrite / pH 1–80 mg/L NO2– ; pH 6.0–9.6 913 38
pH value in photographic solutions Ag-Fix test strips 0.5–10 g/L Ag+, pH 4–8 907 41
Fenoli NANOCOLOR Phenolic index 5 0.2–5.0 mg/L Phenol 985 074
NANOCOLOR Phenol 0.01–7.0 mg/L Phenol 918 75
Phosphatase, acid Phosphatesmo KM qualitative 906 07
Phosphatase, alkaline Phosphatesmo MI qualitative 906 12
Fosfati QUANTOFIX Phosphate 3–100 mg/L PO43– 913 20
VISOCOLOR alpha Phosphate 2–20 mg/L PO43– 935 079
VISOCOLOR ECO Phosphate 0.2–5 mg/L P 931 084
VISOCOLOR HE Phosphate 0.05–1.0 mg/L P 920 082
VISOCOLOR HE Phosphate (DEV) 0.01 – 0.25 mg/l P 920 080
NANOCOLOR ortho Phosphate 0.5–50 mg/L PO43– 918 78
NANOCOLOR ortho Phosphate 0.1–20 mg/L PO43– 918 77
Phosphate, ortho and total NANOCOLOR Phosphate 50 10.0–50.0 mg/L P 985 079
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 45 5.0–50.0 mg/L P 985 055
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 15 0.30–15.00 mg/L P 985 080
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 5 0.20–5.00 mg/L P 985 081
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 1 0.01–1.50 mg/L P 985 076
Phosphonate with NanOx Metal and VISOCOLOR ECO Phosphate  
Fotometre Spectrofotometre NANOCOLOR UV/VIS II and NANOCOLOR VIS II

919 600


NANOCOLOR 500 D 919 500
Compact photometer PF-12 Plus 919 250
Compact photometer PF-3 Pool  
PF-3 Drinking Water  
PF-3 Soil  
PF-3 COD  
Pipete automate     916 …
POC (Polyoxycarboxylic acids) NANOCOLOR POC 200 20–200 mg/L POC 985 070
Potasiu Potassium test paper qualitative, > 250 mg/L K+ 907 27
QUANTOFIX Potassium 200–1500 mg/L K+ 913 16
VISOCOLOR ECO Potassium 2–15 mg/L K+ 931 032
NANOCOLOR Potassium 50 2–50 mg/L K+ 985 045
Protein residues on surfaces INDIPRO qualitative 907 65
Quality control NANOCOLOR T-Set 919 917
NANOCONTROL system   925 …
Quaternary ammonium compounds INDIQUAT indicator paper semi-quantitative

909 000–

909 002

QUANTOFIX QUAT 10–1000 mg/L benzalkonium chloride 913 37
Residual hardness of water VISOCOLOR HE total Hardness H 2

0.06–2.50 °e /

0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+

915 002
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness 0.05–0.38 °e 935 080
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 0.03–1.25 °e 985 084
Silica, silicon VISOCOLOR ECO Silica HR 200 10–200 mg/L SiO2 931 234
VISOCOLOR ECO Silica 0.2–3.0 mg/L SiO2 931 033
VISOCOLOR HE Silicon 0.01–0.30 mg/L Si 920 087
NANOCOLOR Silica 0.005–10.0 mg/L SiO2 918 48
Silica-free water for silicate determination 918 912
Argint Silver test paper qualitative, > 20 mg/L Ag+ 907 32
NANOCOLOR Silver 3 0.20–3.00 mg/L Ag+ 985 049
Silver in photographic solutions Ag-Fix test strips 0.5–10 g/L Ag+ 907 41
QUANTOFIX Silver 1–10 g/L Ag+ 913 50
Sludge activity NANOCOLOR TTC 5–150 μg TPF 985 890
Sludge (heavy metals) NANOCOLOR Sludge decomposition with aqua regia 918 50
Sodium possible with VISOCOLOR special instruction  
Analiza Solului

Compact photometer PF-3 Soil


919 341,

934 202

Reagent case with PF-3 Soil 934 210
VISOCOLOR reagent case for soil analysis 931 601
VISOCOLOR reagent case for soil analysis with PF-3 Soil 934 220
Sperma (acid phosphatase) Phosphatesmo KM qualitative 906 07
Standard solutions NANOCONTROL Standards 925 …
Starch NANOCOLOR Starch 100 5–100 mg/L starch 985 085
Sulfati QUANTOFIX Sulfate < 200– > 1600 mg/L SO42– 913 29
VISOCOLOR ECO Sulfate 25–200 mg/L SO42– 931 092
NANOCOLOR Sulfate 1000 200–1000 mg/L SO42– 985 087
NANOCOLOR Sulfate 200 10–200 mg/L SO42– 985 086
Sulfiti, hydrogen sulfide Lead acetate paper qualitative, > 5 mg/L S– 907 44
Sulfide test paper qualitative, > 5 mg/L S– 907 61
VISOCOLOR ECO Sulfide 0.1–0.8 mg/L S2– 931 094
NANOCOLOR Sulfide 3 0.05–3.00 mg/L S2– 985 073
NANOCOLOR Sulfide 0.01–3.0 mg/L S2– 918 88
Sulfite, sulfurous acid Potassium iodate starch paper qualitative 907 53
Sulfite test paper

qualitative, > 10 mg/L Na2SO32–

907 63
QUANTOFIX Sulfite 10–1000 mg/L SO32– 913 06
VISOCOLOR ECO Sulfite 1 drop = 1 mg/L SO32– 931 095
VISOCOLOR HE Sulfite SU 100 2–100 mg/L SO32– 915 008
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 100 5–100 mg/L SO32– 985 090
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 10 0.05–10.0 mg/L SO32– 985 089
Sulfurous acid, sulfite Potassium iodate starch paper qualitative 907 53
Sulfite test paper

qualitative, > 10 mg/L Na2SO32–

907 63
QUANTOFIX Sulfite 10–1000 mg/L SO32– 913 06
VISOCOLOR ECO Sufite 1 drop = 1 mg/L SO32– 931 095
VISOCOLOR HE Sulfite SU 100 2–100 mg/L SO32– 915 008
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 100 5–100 mg/L SO32– 985 090
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 10 0.05–10.0 mg/L SO32– 985 089
Surfaces, hygiene control BioFix Lumi ATP 946 …
Surfaces, protein contamination INDIPRO qualitative 907 65
Surfactanti NANOCOLOR Anionic surfactants 4 0.20–4.00 mg/L MBAS 985 032
NANOCOLOR Detergents anionic 0.02–5.0 mg/L MBAS 918 32
NANOCOLOR Cationic surfactants 4 0.20–4.00 mg/L CTAB 985 034
NANOCOLOR Detergents cationic 0.05–5.0 mg/L CTAB 918 34
NANOCOLOR Nonionic surfactants 15 0.3–15.0 mg/L Triton X-100 985 047
Parametrii apei din piscine

Swimming Pool Test 3 in 1


0.5–10 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.4–8.4;

80–240 mg/L CaCO3

907 52
  Swimming Pool Test 5 in 1

100–1000 mg/L CaCO3;

0.5–10 mg/L Cl2;

1–10 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.4–8.4;

80–240 mg/L CaCO3

907 59
  Cyanuric Acid Test 50–300 mg/L Cya 907 10
  Compact photometer PF-3 Pool -

919 340,

934 102

  in reagent case 934 …
  VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ 931 204
  VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanuric acid 10–100 mg/L Cya 931 023
  VISOCOLOR ECO pH 6.0 – 8.2 pH 6.0–8.2 931 270
  VISOCOLOR ECO Swimming pool 0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.9–8.2 931 090
  NANOCOLOR pH 6.5–8.2 pH 6.5–8.2 918 72
Tab equipment for beverages BioFix Lumi ATP 946 ...
Thiocyanate NANOCOLOR Thiocyanate 50 0.5–50.0 mg/L SCN– 985 091
Tin QUANTOFIX Tin 10–500 mg/L Sn2+ 913 09
NANOCOLOR Tin 3 0.10–3.00 mg/L Sn 985 097
TNb NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 22 0.5–22.0 mg/L N 985 083
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 60 3–60 mg/L N 985 092
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 220 5–220 mg/L N 985 088
TOC NANOCOLOR TOC 25 2.0–25.0 mg/L TOC 985 093
NANOCOLOR TOC 60 10–60 mg/L TOC 985 094
NANOCOLOR TOC 600 40–600 mg/L TOC 985 099
Total alkalinity VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– 915 007
VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ 931 204
Duritatea apei AQUADUR test strips

3.75–31.25 °e /

3.75–26.25 °e /

3.75–17.50 °e

912 01 /

912 20 / 912 39

AQUADUR Sensitive 0–1.38 °e 912 10

VISOCOLOR alpha Hardness


1 drop f 1.25 °e f

17.8 mg/L CaCO3

935 042



1 drop f 1.25 °e f

17.8 mg/L CaCO3

931 029

VISOCOLOR HE Hardness H 20 F


0.6–25.0 °e /

0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+

915 005



0.06–2.5 °e /

0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+

915 002
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness 0.05–0.38 °e 935 080
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 1.25–25.0 °e 985 043
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 0.03–1.25 °e 985 084
Total nitrogen NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 22 0.5–22.0 mg/L N 985 083
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 60 3–60 mg/L N 985 092
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 220 5–220 mg/L N 985 088
Total phosphorus NANOCOLOR Phosphate tests and decomposition with NanOx Metal  
Toxicity control Luminous bacteria toxicity test system BioFix Lumi

940 …,

945 …


BioFix A-Tox and N-Tox nitrification

inhibition tests

0–100 % inhibition


970 001 /

970 002

TTC / Sludge activity NANOCOLOR TTC 150 5–150 μg TPF 985 890
Turbidity of water NANOCOLOR Turbidity

1–100 TE/F/ 0.5–40.0 1/m

1–1000 NTU

Udder diseases Udder test paper qualitative 907 48
Vat dye conversion, endpoint Indanthrene yellow paper qualitative 907 51
Duritatea apei AQUADUR test strips

3.75–31.25 °e /

3.75–26.25 °e /

3.75–17.50 °e

912 01 /

912 20 / 912 39

AQUADUR Sensitive 0–1.38 °e 912 10

VISOCOLOR alpha Hardness


1 drop f 1.25 °e f

17.8 mg/L CaCO3

935 042



1 drop f 1.25 °e f

17.8 mg/L CaCO3

931 029

VISOCOLOR HE Hardness H 20 F


0.6–25.0 °e /

0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+

915 005



0.06–2.5 °e /

0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+

915 002
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness 0.05–0.38 °e 935 080
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 1.25–25.0 °e 985 043
NANOCOLOR Hardness Ca/Mg 1.25–25.0 °e 985 044
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 0.03–1.25 °e 985 084
Apa in unt Wator indicator paper qualitative 906 10
Apa in solventi organici Watesmo indicator paper qualitative 906 09
Apa in benzina sau in rezervoare AQUATEC test strips qualitative 907 42
Zinc QUANTOFIX Zinc 2–100 mg/L Zn2+ 913 10
VISOCOLOR ECO Zinc 0.5–3 mg/L Zn2+ 931 098
NANOCOLOR Zinc 4 0.10–4.00 mg/L Zn2+ 985 096
NANOCOLOR Zinc 0.02–3.0 mg/L Zn2+ 918 95
Zirconiu Zirconium test paper qualitative, > 20 mg/L Zr4+ 907 21
NANOCOLOR Zirconium 100 5–100 mg/L Zr 985 001

Teste si Kit-uri Pentru Analiza Apei

Spectrofotometru pentru analiza apei. NANOCOLOR Advance, NANOCOLOR VIS II, NANOCOLOR UV-VIS II. Preturi Importator Autorizat MNAdis International la aparatura laborator & Kit-uri Biologie Moleculara. Profitati de oferta!