Teste si Kit-uri Pentru Analiza Apei
Gama completa a testelor si a kit-urilor pentru analiza fizico-chimica a apei de la MACHEREY-NAGEL.
Pentru mai multe informatii va rugam sa accesati testul dorit sau sa ne contactati.
Parametru | Produs recomandat MN | Domeniul de masuratoare | REF |
A | |||
Acid Acetic | NANOCOLOR Organic acids 3000 |
30–3000 mg/L CH3COOH 0.5–50.0 mmol/L CH3COOH |
985 050 |
Acid binding capacity | VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA | 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ | 931 204 |
VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 | 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– | 915 007 | |
Acid consumption | VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA | 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ | 931 204 |
VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL | 7 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– | 915 007 | |
Aciditatea apei | VISOCOLOR HE Acidity AC | 7 0.2–7.0 mmol/L H+ | 915 006 |
Activ Oxigen | QUANTOFIX Active oxygen | 4-25 mg/L KMPS | 913 49 |
Adsorbable organically bounded halogens | NANOCOLOR AOX | 3 0.01–3.0 mg/L AOX | 985 007 |
Alcool | NANOCOLOR Ethanol 1000 |
0.10–1.00 g/L EtOH / 0.013–0.130 Vol. % EtOH |
985 838 |
NANOCOLOR Methanol 15 | 0.2–15.0 mg/L MeOH | 985 859 | |
Alkaline phosphatase in milk | Phosphatesmo MI | qualitative | 906 12 |
Alkalinity of cooling lubricants | QUANTOFIX LubriCheck | 15–200 mmol/L KOH | 913 36 |
Alkalinity of water (p/m) | QUANTOFIX Carbonate hardness | 3.75–25.00 °e | 913 23 |
1.3–12.5 °e and higher 1 drop = 1.3 °e |
935 016 | |
1.3–12.5 °e and higher 1 drop = 1.3 °e |
931 014 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Carbonate hardness C 20 |
0.63–25.00 °e / 0.2–7.2 mmol/L H+ |
915 003 | |
NANOCOLOR Carbonate hardness 15 |
1.25–18.75 °e / 0.4–5.4 mmol/L H+ |
985 015 | |
Alkalinity of water (total) | VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA | 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ | 931 204 |
VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 | 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– | 915 007 | |
Aluminu | Aluminum test paper | qualitative, > 10 mg/L Al3+ | 907 21 |
QUANTOFIX Aluminum | 5–500 mg/L Al3+ | 913 07 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Aluminum | 0.10–0.50 mg/L Al3+ | 931 006 | |
NANOCOLOR Aluminum 07 | 0.02–0.70 mg/L Al3+ | 985 098 | |
NANOCOLOR Aluminum | 0.01–1.00 mg/L Al3+ | 918 02 | |
Amidosulphuric acid | elimination of nitrite interferences | 918 973 | |
Amoniu, amoniac | Ammonium test paper | qualitative, > 10 mg/L NH4+ | 907 22 |
Ammonia test | 0.5–6 mg/L NH4+ | 907 14 | |
QUANTOFIX Ammonium | 10–400 mg/L NH4+ | 913 15 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Ammonium 15 | 0.5–15 mg/L NH4+ | 931 010 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha Ammonium | 0.2–3 mg/L NH4+ | 935 012 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Ammonium 3 | 0.2–3 mg/L NH4+ | 931 008 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Ammonium | 0.02–0.50 mg/L NH4+ | 920 006 | |
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 2000 | 300–1600 mg/L NH4-N | 985 002 | |
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 200 | 30–160 mg/L NH4-N | 985 006 | |
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 100 | 4–80 mg/L NH4-N | 985 008 | |
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 50 | 1–40 mg/L NH4-N | 985 005 | |
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 10 | 0.2–8.0 mg/L NH4-N | 985 004 | |
NANOCOLOR Ammonium 3 | 0.04–2.30 mg/L NH4-N | 985 003 | |
NANOCOLOR Ammonium | 0.01–2.0 mg/L NH4-N | 918 05 | |
Ammonia oxidation, inhibition | BioFix nitrification inhibition A-Tox | 0–100 % inhibition | 970 001 |
Analytical accessories | for the NANOCOLOR system | ||
Analytical quality control | NANOCONTROL NANOCHECK, NANOTURB, Standards | ||
Anionic surfactants (surfactanti anionici) | NANOCOLOR Anionic surfactants 4 | 0.20–4.00 mg/L MBAS | 985 032 |
NANOCOLOR Detergents anionic | 0.02–5.0 mg/L MBAS | 918 32 | |
Antimoniu | Antimony test paper | qualitative, > 5 mg/L Sb3+ | 907 23 |
AOX | NANOCOLOR AOX 3 | 0.01–3.0 mg/L AOX | 985 007 |
Aquarium water |
Total hardness 6.3–31.3 °e; Carbonate hardness 3.8–25.0 °e; pH 6.4–8.4 |
913 26, 913 27 |
VISOCOLOR alpha | 935 … | ||
Arsenic, arseniu | Arsenic test paper | qualitative, > 0.5 μg As | 907 62 |
QUANTOFIX Arsenic 50 | 0.05–3.0 mg/L As3+/5+ | 913 32 | |
QUANTOFIX Arsenic 10 | 0.01–0.5 mg/L As3+/5+ | 913 34 | |
QUANTOFIX Arsenic Sensitive | 0.005–0.5 mg/L As3+/5+ | 913 45 | |
Acid Ascorbic | QUANTOFIX Ascorbic acid | 50–2000 mg/L vitamin C | 913 14 |
ATP test | BioFix Lumi ATP | ||
B | |||
Biochemical oxygen demand (consum biochimic de oxigen) | NANOCOLOR BOD5 | 2–3000 mg/L O2 | 985 822 |
NANOCOLOR BOD5-TT (simplified tube test) | 0.5–3000 mg/L O2 | 985 825 | |
BioFix | Rapid tests for hygienic monitoring | ||
BioFix Lumi | Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems BioFix Lumi | ||
Biolumineszence | Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems BioFix Lumi | ||
Biotoxicity | Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems BioFix Lumi | ||
Bismut | Bismuth test paper | qualitative, > 60 mg/L Bi3+ | 907 33 |
Blood traces (urme de sange) | Peroxtesmo KM | qualitative | 906 05 |
BOD5 (CBO5, consum biochimic de oxigen) | NANOCOLOR BOD5 | 2–3000 mg/L O2 | 985 822 |
NANOCOLOR BOD5-TT (simplified tube test) | 0.5–3000 mg/L O2 | 985 825 | |
Borates, boric acid | Tumeric paper | qualitative, > 20 mg/L B | 907 47 |
Bromide, Chloride | Saltesmo | 0.45–8.8 g/L NaBr | 906 08 |
Bromine | VISOCOLOR ECO Bromine | 0.10–13.00 mg/L Br2 | 931 211 |
with NANOCOLOR Chlorine tests | |||
C | |||
Cadmiu | NANOCOLOR Cadmium 2 | 0.05–2.00 mg/L Cd2+ | 985 01 |
0.002–0.50 mg/L Cd2+ |
918 13, 918 131 |
Calciu | QUANTOFIX Calcium | 10–100 mg/L Ca2+ | 913 24 |
5–50 mg/L Ca2+ and higher 1 drop = 5 mg/L Ca2+ |
931 012 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Calcium CA 20 |
0.6–25.0 °e / 0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 010 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness Ca / Mg | 10–100 mg/L Ca2+ | 985 044 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 | 10–100 mg/L Ca2+ | 985 043 | |
Carbonate hardness of water | QUANTOFIX Carbonate hardness | 3.75–25.00 °e | 913 23 |
VISOCOLOR alpha Carbonate hardness |
1.3–12.5 °e and higher 1 drop = 1.3 °e |
935 016 | |
1.3–12.5 °e and higher 1 drop = 1 °e |
931 014 | ||
VISOCOLOR HE Carbonate hardness C 20
0.63–25.00 °e / 0.2–7.2 mmol/L H+ |
915 003 | |
NANOCOLOR Carbonate hardness 15
1.25–18.75 °e / 0.4–5.4 mmol/L H+ |
985 015 | |
Carbonic acid | VISOCOLOR HE Acidity AC 7 | 0.2–7.0 mmol/L H+ | 915 006 |
Cationic surfactants (surfactanti cationici) | NANOCOLOR Cationic surfactants 4 | 0.20–4.00 mg/L CTAB | 985 034 |
NANOCOLOR Detergents, cationic | 0.05–5.0 mg/L CTAB | 918 34 | |
Chemical oxygen demand (CCO-Cr, consum chimic de oxigen) |
NANOCOLOR COD 60000 | 5.0–60.0 g/L O2 | 985 012 |
NANOCOLOR COD 15000 | 1.0–15.0 g/L O2 | 985 028 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 10000 | 1.00–10.00 g/L O2 | 985 023 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 4000 | 400–4000 mg/L O2 | 985 011 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 1500 | 100–1500 mg/L O2 | 985 029 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 600 | 50–600 mg/L O2 | 985 030 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 300 | 50–300 mg/L O2 | 985 033 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 160 | 15–160 mg/L O2 | 985 026 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 160 Hg-free | 15–160 mg/L O2 | 963 026 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 60 | 5–60 mg/L O2 | 985 022 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 40 | 2–40 mg/L O2 | 985 027 | |
Chloride | Saltesmo | 0.25–5 g/L NaCl | 906 08 |
QUANTOFIX Chloride | 500–≥ 3000 mg/L Cl– | 913 21 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Chloride CL 500 | 5–500 mg/L Cl– | 915 004 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Chloride | 1–60 mg/L Cl– | 931 018 | |
NANOCOLOR Chloride 200 | 5–200 mg/L Cl– | 985 019 | |
NANOCOLOR Chloride 50 | 0.5–50.0 mg/L Cl– | 985 021 | |
NANOCOLOR Chloride | 0.2–125 mg/L Cl– | 918 20 | |
Chloride complexing | agents elimination of interfering chloride during COD measurement | 918 911 | |
Chloride elimination, cartridges | elimination of interfering chloride during COD and nitrate measurements | 918 911 | |
Clor liber, total, combinat, rezidual | Chlortesmo | qualitative, > 1 mg/L chlorine | 906 03 |
Chlorine test | 10–200 mg/L Cl2 | 907 09 | |
QUANTOFIX Chlorine | 1–100 mg/L Cl2 | 913 17 | |
QUANTOFIX Chlorine Sensitive | 0.1–10 mg/L Cl2 | 913 39 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha Chlorine | 0.25–2.0 mg/L Cl2 | 935 019 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Chlorine 1, free and total | 0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2 | 931 035 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Chlorine 2, free and total
0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2 | 931 015 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO free Chlorine 2 | 0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2 | 931 016 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Chlorine 6, free and total | 0.05–6.00 mg/L Cl2 | 931 217 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO free Chlorine 6 | 0.05–6.00 mg/L Cl2 | 931 219 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Chlorine | 0.02–0.60 mg/L Cl2 | 920 015 | |
NANOCOLOR Chlorine / Ozone |
2 0.05–2.50 mg/L Cl2 / 0.05–2.00 mg/L O3 |
985 017 | |
NANOCOLOR Chlorine | 0.02–10.0 mg/L Cl2 | 918 16 | |
also see swimming pool parameters | |||
Chlorine dioxide | VISOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide | < 0.2–3.8 mg/L ClO2 | 931 021 |
NANOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide 5 | 0.15–5.00 mg/L CIO2 | 985 018 | |
NANOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide | 0.04–4.00 mg/L CIO2 | 918 163 | |
Chlorite | NANOCOLOR Chlorine dioxide | 0.04–4.00 mg/L CIO2 | 918 163 |
Chromate / Chromium(VI) | Chromium test paper | qualitative, > 5 mg/L CrO42– | 907 24 |
QUANTOFIX Chromate | 3–100 mg/L CrO42– | 913 01 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Chromium(VI) | 0.02–0.50 mg/L Cr(VI) | 931 020 | |
NANOCOLOR Chromate 5 | 0.01–4.0 mg/L CrO42– | 985 024 | |
NANOCOLOR Chromate | 0.01–6.0 mg/L CrO42– | 918 25 | |
NANOCOLOR Chromium total 2 | 0.005–2,00 mg/L CrO42– | 985 059 | |
Chromium, total | NANOCOLOR Chromium total 2 | 0.005–2,00 mg/L CrO42– | 985 059 |
With NANOCOLOR Chromate tests and NanOx Metal | |||
Clarification precipitation | NANOCOLOR Reagents for sample preparation | 918 937 | |
Cobalt | Cobalt test paper (qualitative) | > 25 mg/L Co2+ / 0.5 % Co | 907 28 |
QUANTOFIX Cobalt | 10–1000 mg/L Co2+ | 913 03 | |
NANOCOLOR Cobalt | 0.002–0.70 mg/L Co2+ | 918 51 | |
COD (CCO-Cr, consum chimic de oxigen) | NANOCOLOR COD 60000 | 5.0–60.0 g/L O2 | 985 012 |
NANOCOLOR COD 15000 | 1.0–15.0 g/L O2 | 985 028 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 10000 | 1.00–10.00 g/L O2 | 985 023 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 4000 | 400–4000 mg/L O2 | 985 011 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 1500 / ISO 15705 | 100–1500 mg/L O2 | 985 029 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 600 | 50–600 mg/L O2 | 985 030 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 300 | 50–300 mg/L O2 | 985 033 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 160 / ISO 15705 | 15–160 mg/L O2 | 985 026 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 160 Hg-free | 15–160 mg/L O2 | 963 026 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 60 / ISO 15705 | 5–60 mg/L O2 | 985 022 | |
NANOCOLOR COD 40 / ISO 15705 | 2–40 mg/L O2 | 985 027 | |
COD-free water | for control measurements and dilution | 918 993 | |
Color of water |
5 –500 mg/L Pt / 0.2–20.0 1/m |
Complexing agents | QUANTOFIX EDTA | 100–400 mg/L EDTA | 913 35 |
NANOCOLOR Complexing agents 10 | 0.5–10.0 mg/L IBic | 985 052 | |
Cooling lubricants, concentration (lubrifianti) | QUANTOFIX LubriCheck | 15-200 mmol/L KOH | 913 36 |
Cooling lubricants, nitrite content
QUANTOFIX Nitrate/Nitrite |
10–500 mg/L NO3–, 1–80 mg/L NO2– |
913 13 |
QUANTOFIX Nitrite | 1–80 mg/L NO2– | 913 11 | |
QUANTOFIX Nitrite/pH |
1–80 mg/L NO2– ; pH 6.0–9.6
913 38 | |
0.02–1.50 mg/L NO2– | 985 068 | |
0.005–1.0 mg/L NO2– | 918 67 | |
Cupru | Copper test paper | qualitative, > 20 mg/L Cu2+ | 907 29 |
Cuprotesmo | qualitative, > 0.05 μg Cu | 906 01 | |
QUANTOFIX Copper | 10–300 mg/L Cu+/2+ | 913 04 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Copper | 0.1–1.5 mg/L Cu2+ | 931 037 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Copper | 0.04–0.50 mg/L Cu2+ | 920 050 | |
NANOCOLOR Copper | 7 0.10–7.00 mg/L Cu2+ | 985 054 | |
NANOCOLOR Copper | 0.01–10.0 mg/L Cu2+ | 918 53 | |
Cianuri | Cyantesmo | qualitative, > 0.2 mg/L HCN | 906 04 |
QUANTOFIX Cyanide | 1–30 mg/L CN– | 913 18 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanide | 0.01–0.20 mg/L CN– | 931 022 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Cyanide | 0.002–0.04 mg/L CN– | 920 028 | |
NANOCOLOR Cyanide 08 | 0.005–0.80 mg/L CN– | 985 031 | |
NANOCOLOR Cyanide | 0.001–0.50 mg/L CN– | 918 30 | |
Acid cianuric | Cyanuric acid test | 50–300 mg/L Cya | 907 10 |
VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanuric acid | 10–100 mg/L Cya | 931 023 | |
D | |||
DEHA (Diethylhydroxylamine) | VISOCOLOR ECO DEHA | 0.01–0.30 mg/L DEHA | 931 024 |
NANOCOLOR DEHA 1 | 0.05–1.00 mg/L DEHA | 985 035 | |
Dehydrogenase activity | NANOCOLOR TTC | 150 5–150 μg TPF | 985 890 |
Detergenti, anionici | NANOCOLOR Anionic surfactants | 4 0.20–4.00 mg/L MBAS | 985 032 |
NANOCOLOR Detergents anionic | 0.02–5.0 mg/L MBAS | 918 32 | |
Detergenti, cationici | NANOCOLOR Cationic surfactatnts 4 | 0.20–4.00 mg/L CTAB | 985 034 |
NANOCOLOR Detergents, cationic | 0.05–5.0 mg/L CTAB | 918 34 | |
Detergenti, nonionici | NANOCOLOR Nonionic surfactants 15 | 0.3–15.0 mg/L Triton X-100 | 985 047 |
Diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA) | VISOCOLOR ECO DEHA | 0.01–0.30 mg/L DEHA | 931 024 |
NANOCOLOR DEHA 1 | 0.05–1.00 mg/L DEHA | 985 035 | |
Disinfectants (QUATS) |
INDIQUAT indicator papers | semi-quantitative |
909 000– 909 002 |
QUANTOFIX QUAT | 10–1000 mg/L benzalkonium chloride | 913 37 | |
Distilled water | for dilution | 918 932 | |
E | |||
EDTA | QUANTOFIX EDTA | 100–400 mg/L EDTA | 913 35 |
Etanol | NANOCOLOR Ethanol 1000 |
0.10–1.00 g/L EtOH / 0.013–0.130 Vol. % EtOH |
985 838 |
F | |||
Fatty acids | NANOCOLOR Organic acids 3000 |
30–3000 mg/L CH3COOH 0.5–50.0 mmol/L CH3COOH |
985 050 |
Fluoride, hydrogen fluoride | Fluoride test paper | qualitative, > 20 mg/L F– | 907 50 |
Fluoride test | 2–100 mg/L F– | 907 34 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Fluoride | 0.1–2.0 mg/L F– | 931 227 | |
NANOCOLOR Fluoride | 2 0.1–2.0 mg/L F– | 985 040 | |
NANOCOLOR Fluoride | 0.05–2.00 mg/L F– | 918 142 | |
Formaldehyde | QUANTOFIX Formaldehyde | 10–200 mg/L HCHO | 913 28 |
NANOCOLOR Formaldehyde 10 | 0.02–10.00 mg/L HCHO | 985 046 | |
NANOCOLOR Formaldehyde 8 | 0.1–8.0 mg/L HCHO | 985 041 | |
G | |||
Glucoza | QUANTOFIX Glucose | 50–2000 mg/L glucose | 913 48 |
Glutaraldehida | QUANTOFIX Glutaraldehyde | 0.5–2.5 % glutaraldehyde | 913 43 |
H | |||
H2O2 | QUANTOFIX Peroxide 1000 | 50–1000 mg/L H2O2 | 913 33 |
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 100 | 1–100 mg/L H2O2 | 913 12 | |
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 25 | 0.5–25 mg/L H2O2 | 913 19 | |
NANOCOLOR Peroxide 2 | 0.03–2.00 mg/L H2O2 | 985 871 | |
HACCP | BioFix Lumi ATP | 946 … | |
Duritatea apei | AQUADUR test strips |
3.75–31.25 °e / 3.75–26.25 °e / 3.75–17.50 °e |
912 01 / 912 20 / 912 39 |
AQUADUR Sensitive | 0–1.38 °e | 912 10 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha total Hardness |
1 drop f 1.25 °e f 17.8 mg/L CaCO3 |
935 042 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO total Hardness |
1 drop f 1.25 °e f 17.8 mg/L CaCO3 |
931 029 | |
0.6–25.0 °e / 0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 005 | ||
VISOCOLOR HE total Hardness H 2 |
0.06–2.50 °e / 0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 002 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness | 0.05–0.38 °e | 935 080 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness Ca / Mg | 1.25–25.0 °e | 985 044 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 | 1.25–25.0 °e | 985 043 | |
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 | 0.03–1.25 °e | 985 084 | |
Blocuri incalzitoare, digestoare unitati de digestie |
919 300, 919 350, 919 330 |
Heavy metals in sludge | NANOCOLOR Sludge | decomposition with aqua regia | 918 50 |
Humidity, relative | Moisture indicator | 20–80 % rel. humidity | 908 01 |
8 % rel. humidity | 908 901 | ||
Moisture indicator without cobalt chloride | 8 % rel. humidity | 908 903 | |
Hydrazine | VISOCOLOR ECO Hydrazine | 0.05–0.40 mg/L N2H4 | 931 030 |
NANOCOLOR Hydrazine | 0.002–1.50 mg/L N2H4 | 918 44 | |
Hidrocarburi | Oil test paper | qualitative | 907 60 |
0.5–5.6 mg/L HC in water 30–300 mg/kg HC in soil |
985 057 | |
Hydrocyanic acid, cyanide | Cyantesmo | qualitative, > 0.2 mg/L HCN | 906 04 |
QUANTOFIX Cyanide | 1–30 mg/L CN– | 913 18 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanide | 0.01–0.20 mg/L CN– | 931 022 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Cyanide | 0.002–0.04 mg/L CN– | 920 028 | |
NANOCOLOR Cyanide 08 | 0.005–0.80 mg/L CN– | 985 031 | |
NANOCOLOR Cyanide | 0.001–0.50 mg/L CN– | 918 30 | |
Hydrogen peroxide | QUANTOFIX Peroxide 1000 | 50–1000 mg/L H2O2 | 913 33 |
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 100 | 1–100 mg/L H2O2 | 913 12 | |
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 25 | 0.5–25 mg/L H2O2 | 913 19 | |
NANOCOLOR Peroxide 2 | 0.03–2.00 mg/L H2O2 | 985 871 | |
Hydrosulfite | special instructions with VISOCOLOR HE Sulfite SU 100 | ||
Controlul igienizarii | BioFix Lumi ATP | 946 … | |
I | |||
Internal quality control | NANOCOLOR T-Set | 919 917 | |
NANOCONTROL system | 925 … | ||
Iodide | Saltesmo | 0.7–14.2 g/L KI | 906 08 |
IQC | NANOCOLOR T-Set | 919 917 | |
NANOCONTROL system | 925 … | ||
Iron, divalent | Dipyridyl paper | qualitative, > 2 mg/L Fe2+ | 907 25 |
Fier | Iron test paper | qualitative, > 10 mg/L Fe2+/3+ | 907 26 |
QUANTOFIX Total iron 1000 | 5–1000 mg/L Fe2+/3+ | 913 30 | |
QUANTOFIX Total iron 100 | 2–100 mg/L Fe2+/3+ | 913 44 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Iron 2 | 0.04–1.0 mg/L Fe | 931 026 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Iron 1 | 0.04–1.0 mg/L Fe | 931 025 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Iron | 0.01–0.20 mg/L Fe | 920 040 | |
NANOCOLOR Iron 3 | 0.02–3.00 mg/L Fe | 985 037 | |
NANOCOLOR Iron | 0.01–15.00 mg/L Fe | 918 36 | |
Isobutyl methyl ketone | for color extraction of NANOCOLOR Phenolic index 5 | 918 929 | |
L | |||
Lactoperoxidaza | Peroxtesmo MI | Qualitative | 906 27 |
Plumb | Plumbtesmo |
qualitative < 5 mg/L Pb2+ 0.05 μg Pb |
906 02 |
NANOCOLOR Lead 5 | 0.10–5.00 mg/L Pb2+ | 985 009 | |
NANOCOLOR Lead | 0.005–1.00 mg/L Pb2+ | 918 10 | |
Lime precipitation | NANOCOLOR reagents for lime precipitation | 918 939 | |
Lipophilic substances | NANOCOLOR HC 300 |
0.5–5.6 mg/L HC in water; 30–300 mg/kg HC in soil |
985 057 |
Luminometru | BioFix Lumi-10 | 940 008 | |
Luminous bacteria | BioFix Luminous bacteria toxicity test systems |
940 …, 945 … |
M | |||
m value (alkalinity) | VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 | 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– | 915 007 |
VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA | 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ | 931 204 | |
0.63–25.00 °e / 0.2–7.0 mmol/L H+ |
915 003 | ||
Magneziu | indirect determination with VISOCOLOR | ||
NANOCOLOR Ca / Mg | 5–50 mg/L Mg2+ | 985 044 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 | 5–50 mg/L Mg2+ | 985 043 | |
Mangan | VISOCOLOR ECO Manganese | 0.1–1.5 mg/L Mn | 931 038 |
VISOCOLOR HE Manganese | 0.03–0.50 mg/L Mn | 920 055 | |
NANOCOLOR Manganese 10 | 0.02–10.0 mg/L Mn | 985 058 | |
NANOCOLOR Manganese | 0.01–10.0 mg/L Mn | 918 60 | |
Mastita with milk-giving animals | Udder test paper | qualitative | 907 48 |
Membrane filters | For removal of turbidities and undissolved substances | 916 … | |
Metanol | NANOCOLOR Methanol 15 | 0.2–15.0 mg/L MeOH | 985 859 |
Molybdenum | QUANTOFIX Molybdenum | 5–250 mg/L Mo(VI) | 913 25 |
NANOCOLOR Molybdenum 40 | 1.0–40.0 mg/L Mo(VI) | 985 056 | |
Multiteststicks |
QUANTOFIX Multisticks for aquarium owners |
Total hardness 6.25–31.25 °e; carbonate hardness 3.75–25.00 °e; pH 6.4–8.4 |
913 26 / 913 27 |
Swimming Pool Test 3 in 1 |
0.5–10 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.4–8.4; 80–240 mg/L CaCO3 |
907 52 | |
Swimming Pool Test 5 in 1 |
0–100 mg/L CaCO3; 0.5–10 mg/L Cl2; 0–10 mg/L Cl2; 80–240 mg/L CaCO3; pH 6.4–8.4 |
907 59 | |
N | |||
NanOx Metal | reagents for oxidative decomposition of heavy metal samples and determination of total phosphorus with microwave oven or heating block | 918 978 | |
NanOx N | reagents for determination of total nitrogen with microwave oven or heating block | 918 979 | |
Nichel | Nickel test paper | qualitative, > 10 mg/L Ni2+ | 907 30 |
QUANTOFIX Nickel | 10–1000 mg/L Ni2+ | 913 05 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Nickel | 0.1–1.5 mg/L Ni2+ | 931 040 | |
NANOCOLOR Nickel 4 | 0.02–7.00 mg/L Ni2+ | 985 071 | |
NANOCOLOR Nickel 7 | 0.02–7.00 mg/L Ni2+ | 985 061 | |
NANOCOLOR Nickel | 0.01–10.0 mg/L Ni2+ | 918 62 | |
Nitrati | Nitratesmo | 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– | 906 11 |
QUANTOFIX Nitrate 100 | 5–100 mg/L NO3– | 913 51 | |
QUANTOFIX Nitrate/Nitrite |
10–500 mg/L NO3–; 1–80 mg/L NO2– |
913 13 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha Nitrate | 2–50 mg/L NO3– | 935 065 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Nitrate | 1–120 mg/L NO3– | 931 041 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrate 250 | 4–60 mg/L NO3-N | 985 066 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrate | 0.9–30.0 mg/L NO3-N | 918 65 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrate | 8 0.30–8.00 mg/L NO3-N | 985 065 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrate 50 | 0.3–22.0 mg/L NO3-N | 985 064 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrate Z | 0.1–5.0 mg/L NO3– | 918 63 | |
Nitrati si Nitriti | Nitratesmo | 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– | 906 11 |
QUANTOFIX Nitrate/Nitrite |
10–500 mg/L NO3–; 1–80 mg/L NO2– |
913 13 | |
Nitrificants, preserved | for application in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9509-L38 |
970 902, 970 903 |
Nitrification inhibition tests |
BioFix A-Tox and N-Tox 0 – 100% inhibition
970 001, 970 002 |
Nitriti | Potassium iodide starch paper | qualitative | 907 53 |
Nitratesmo | 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– | 906 11 | |
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 3000 | 0.1–3 g/L NO2– | 913 22 | |
QUANTOFIX Nitrite | 1–80 mg/L NO2– | 913 11 | |
10–500 mg/L NO3–: 1–80 mg/L NO2– |
913 13 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha Nitrite | 0.05–1.0 mg/L NO2– | 935 066 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Nitrite | 0.02–0.5 mg/L NO2– | 931 044 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Nitrite | 0.005–0.10 mg/L NO2– | 920 063 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 4 | 0.1–4.0 mg/L NO2-N | 985 069 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 2 | 0.003–0.460 mg/L NO2-N | 985 068 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrite | 0.005–1.00 mg/L NO2– | 918 67 | |
Nitrite oxidation, inhibition | BioFix N-Tox | 0–100 % inhibition | 970 002 |
Nitrogen (total), Azot | NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 22 | 0.5–22.0 mg/L N | 985 083 |
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 60 | 3–60 mg/L N | 985 092 | |
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 220 | 5–220 mg/L N | 985 088 | |
Nitrous acid, nitrite | Potassium iodide starch paper | qualitative | 907 53 |
Nitratesmo | 10 mg/L NO3–; 5 mg/L NO2– | 906 11 | |
QUANTOFIX Nitrite 3000 | 0.1–3 g/L NO2– | 913 22 | |
QUANTOFIX Nitrite | 1–80 g/L NO2– | 913 11 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha Nitrite | 0.05–1.0 mg/L NO2– | 935 066 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Nitrite | 0.02–0.5 mg/L NO2– | 931 044 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Nitrite | 0.005–0.10 mg/L NO2– | 920 063 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 4 | 0.1–4.0 mg/L NO2-N | 985 069 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrite 2 | 0.003–0.460 mg/L NO2-N | 985 068 | |
NANOCOLOR Nitrite | 0.005–1.0 mg/L NO2– | 918 67 | |
Surfactanti nonionici | NANOCOLOR Nonionic surfactants 15 | 0.3–15.0 mg/L Triton X-100 | 985 047 |
Nutrient mixture | for BOD5 determination | ||
O | |||
Ulei in apa sau sol | Oil test paper | qualitative | 907 60 |
0.5–5.6 mg/L HC in water, 30–300 mg/kg HC in soil |
985 057 | |
Acizi organici | NANOCOLOR Organic acids 3000 | 30–3000 mg/L CH3COOH | 985 050 |
Oxidative decompositions | Crack set (acid oxidation of aqueous systems in a heating block) | 918 08 | |
918 979, 918 978 |
NANOCOLOR Sludge (decomposition with aqueous systems in a heating block for determination of metals in sludge or soil) | 918 50 | ||
Oxigen in apa | VISOCOLOR ECO Oxygen | 1–10 mg/L O2 | 931 088 |
VISOCOLOR HE Oxygen SA 10 | 0.2–10.0 mg/L O2 | 915 009 | |
NANOCOLOR Oxygen 12 | 0.5–12.0 mg/L O2 | 985 082 | |
Ozon | Ozone test strips | orienting measurement in air | 907 36 |
Potassium iodide starch paper | qualitative | 907 53 | |
P | |||
p value | VISOCOLOR HE Carbonate hardness C 20 | 0.63–25.00 °e | 915 003 |
Acid peracetic | QUANTOFIX Peracetic acid 50 | 5–50 mg/L PAA | 913 40 |
QUANTOFIX Peracetic acid 500 | 50–500 mg/L PAA | 913 41 | |
QUANTOFIX Peracetic acid 2000 | 500–2000 mg/L PAA | 913 42 | |
Peroxidaza in urme de sange | Peroxtesmo KM | qualitative | 906 05 |
Peroxidaza in alimente | Peroxtesmo KO | qualitative | 906 06 |
Peroxidase in lapte | Peroxtesmo MI | qualitative | 906 27 |
Peroxides | QUANTOFIX Peroxide 1000 | 50–1000 mg/L H2O2 | 913 33 |
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 100 | 1–100 mg/L H2O2 | 913 12 | |
QUANTOFIX Peroxide 25 | 0.5–25 mg/L H2O2 | 913 19 | |
NANOCOLOR Peroxide 2 | 0.03–2.00 mg/L H2O2 | 985 871 | |
pH | Indicator papers without color scale | Brillant yellow paper | 907 01 |
Congo paper |
907 02 – 907 05 |
Litmus paper | 911 … | ||
Nitrazine yellow paper | 907 11 | ||
Phenolphtalein paper |
907 12 / 907 13 |
Indicator papers with color scale | Duotest | 903 … | |
Special indicator papers | 902 … | ||
Tritest | 905 … | ||
Universal indicator papers | 902 … | ||
especially for colored solutions | PEHANON | 904 … | |
VISOCOLOR ECO pH 4.0–9.0 | 931 066 | ||
especially for weakly buffered solutions | pH-Fix test strips | 921 … | |
UNISOL liquid indicators |
910 02, 910 31 |
VISOCOLOR alpha pH 5–9 | 935 075 | ||
VISOCOLOR ECO pH 4.0–9.0 | 931 066 | ||
especially for unbuffered solutions | VISOCOLOR HE pH 4.0–10.0 | 920 074 | |
photometric | pH-Fix | 921 … | |
VISOCOLOR ECO pH 6.0–8.2 | 931 270 | ||
NANOCOLOR pH 6.5–8.2 | 918 72 | ||
pH value in cooling lubricants | QUANTOFIX Nitrite / pH | 1–80 mg/L NO2– ; pH 6.0–9.6 | 913 38 |
pH value in photographic solutions | Ag-Fix test strips | 0.5–10 g/L Ag+, pH 4–8 | 907 41 |
Fenoli | NANOCOLOR Phenolic index 5 | 0.2–5.0 mg/L Phenol | 985 074 |
NANOCOLOR Phenol | 0.01–7.0 mg/L Phenol | 918 75 | |
Phosphatase, acid | Phosphatesmo KM | qualitative | 906 07 |
Phosphatase, alkaline | Phosphatesmo MI | qualitative | 906 12 |
Fosfati | QUANTOFIX Phosphate | 3–100 mg/L PO43– | 913 20 |
VISOCOLOR alpha Phosphate | 2–20 mg/L PO43– | 935 079 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Phosphate | 0.2–5 mg/L P | 931 084 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Phosphate | 0.05–1.0 mg/L P | 920 082 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Phosphate (DEV) | 0.01 – 0.25 mg/l P | 920 080 | |
NANOCOLOR ortho Phosphate | 0.5–50 mg/L PO43– | 918 78 | |
NANOCOLOR ortho Phosphate | 0.1–20 mg/L PO43– | 918 77 | |
Phosphate, ortho and total | NANOCOLOR Phosphate 50 | 10.0–50.0 mg/L P | 985 079 |
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 45 | 5.0–50.0 mg/L P | 985 055 | |
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 15 | 0.30–15.00 mg/L P | 985 080 | |
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 5 | 0.20–5.00 mg/L P | 985 081 | |
NANOCOLOR Phosphate 1 | 0.01–1.50 mg/L P | 985 076 | |
Phosphonate | with NanOx Metal and VISOCOLOR ECO Phosphate | ||
Fotometre | Spectrofotometre NANOCOLOR UV/VIS II and NANOCOLOR VIS II |
919 600
NANOCOLOR 500 D | 919 500 | ||
Compact photometer PF-12 Plus | 919 250 | ||
Compact photometer | PF-3 Pool | ||
PF-3 Drinking Water | |||
PF-3 Soil | |||
PF-3 COD | |||
Pipete automate | 916 … | ||
POC (Polyoxycarboxylic acids) | NANOCOLOR POC 200 | 20–200 mg/L POC | 985 070 |
Potasiu | Potassium test paper | qualitative, > 250 mg/L K+ | 907 27 |
QUANTOFIX Potassium | 200–1500 mg/L K+ | 913 16 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Potassium | 2–15 mg/L K+ | 931 032 | |
NANOCOLOR Potassium 50 | 2–50 mg/L K+ | 985 045 | |
Protein residues on surfaces | INDIPRO | qualitative | 907 65 |
Q | |||
Quality control | NANOCOLOR T-Set | 919 917 | |
NANOCONTROL system | 925 … | ||
Quaternary ammonium compounds | INDIQUAT indicator paper | semi-quantitative |
909 000– 909 002 |
QUANTOFIX QUAT | 10–1000 mg/L benzalkonium chloride | 913 37 | |
R | |||
Residual hardness of water | VISOCOLOR HE total Hardness H 2 |
0.06–2.50 °e / 0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 002 |
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness | 0.05–0.38 °e | 935 080 | |
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 | 0.03–1.25 °e | 985 084 | |
S | |||
Silica, silicon | VISOCOLOR ECO Silica HR 200 | 10–200 mg/L SiO2 | 931 234 |
VISOCOLOR ECO Silica | 0.2–3.0 mg/L SiO2 | 931 033 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Silicon | 0.01–0.30 mg/L Si | 920 087 | |
NANOCOLOR Silica | 0.005–10.0 mg/L SiO2 | 918 48 | |
Silica-free water | for silicate determination | 918 912 | |
Argint | Silver test paper | qualitative, > 20 mg/L Ag+ | 907 32 |
NANOCOLOR Silver 3 | 0.20–3.00 mg/L Ag+ | 985 049 | |
Silver in photographic solutions | Ag-Fix test strips | 0.5–10 g/L Ag+ | 907 41 |
QUANTOFIX Silver | 1–10 g/L Ag+ | 913 50 | |
Sludge activity | NANOCOLOR TTC | 5–150 μg TPF | 985 890 |
Sludge (heavy metals) | NANOCOLOR Sludge decomposition with aqua regia | 918 50 | |
Sodium | possible with VISOCOLOR special instruction | ||
Analiza Solului |
919 341, 934 202 |
Reagent case with PF-3 Soil | 934 210 | ||
VISOCOLOR reagent case for soil analysis | 931 601 | ||
VISOCOLOR reagent case for soil analysis with PF-3 Soil | 934 220 | ||
Sperma (acid phosphatase) | Phosphatesmo KM | qualitative | 906 07 |
Standard solutions | NANOCONTROL Standards | 925 … | |
Starch | NANOCOLOR Starch 100 | 5–100 mg/L starch | 985 085 |
Sulfati | QUANTOFIX Sulfate | < 200– > 1600 mg/L SO42– | 913 29 |
VISOCOLOR ECO Sulfate | 25–200 mg/L SO42– | 931 092 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfate 1000 | 200–1000 mg/L SO42– | 985 087 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfate 200 | 10–200 mg/L SO42– | 985 086 | |
Sulfiti, hydrogen sulfide | Lead acetate paper | qualitative, > 5 mg/L S– | 907 44 |
Sulfide test paper | qualitative, > 5 mg/L S– | 907 61 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Sulfide | 0.1–0.8 mg/L S2– | 931 094 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfide 3 | 0.05–3.00 mg/L S2– | 985 073 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfide | 0.01–3.0 mg/L S2– | 918 88 | |
Sulfite, sulfurous acid | Potassium iodate starch paper | qualitative | 907 53 |
Sulfite test paper |
qualitative, > 10 mg/L Na2SO32– |
907 63 | |
QUANTOFIX Sulfite | 10–1000 mg/L SO32– | 913 06 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Sulfite | 1 drop = 1 mg/L SO32– | 931 095 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Sulfite SU 100 | 2–100 mg/L SO32– | 915 008 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 100 | 5–100 mg/L SO32– | 985 090 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 10 | 0.05–10.0 mg/L SO32– | 985 089 | |
Sulfurous acid, sulfite | Potassium iodate starch paper | qualitative | 907 53 |
Sulfite test paper |
qualitative, > 10 mg/L Na2SO32– |
907 63 | |
QUANTOFIX Sulfite | 10–1000 mg/L SO32– | 913 06 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Sufite | 1 drop = 1 mg/L SO32– | 931 095 | |
VISOCOLOR HE Sulfite SU 100 | 2–100 mg/L SO32– | 915 008 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 100 | 5–100 mg/L SO32– | 985 090 | |
NANOCOLOR Sulfite 10 | 0.05–10.0 mg/L SO32– | 985 089 | |
Surfaces, hygiene control | BioFix Lumi ATP | 946 … | |
Surfaces, protein contamination | INDIPRO | qualitative | 907 65 |
Surfactanti | NANOCOLOR Anionic surfactants 4 | 0.20–4.00 mg/L MBAS | 985 032 |
NANOCOLOR Detergents anionic | 0.02–5.0 mg/L MBAS | 918 32 | |
NANOCOLOR Cationic surfactants 4 | 0.20–4.00 mg/L CTAB | 985 034 | |
NANOCOLOR Detergents cationic | 0.05–5.0 mg/L CTAB | 918 34 | |
NANOCOLOR Nonionic surfactants 15 | 0.3–15.0 mg/L Triton X-100 | 985 047 | |
Parametrii apei din piscine |
0.5–10 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.4–8.4; 80–240 mg/L CaCO3 |
907 52 |
Swimming Pool Test 5 in 1 |
100–1000 mg/L CaCO3; 0.5–10 mg/L Cl2; 1–10 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.4–8.4; 80–240 mg/L CaCO3 |
907 59 | |
Cyanuric Acid Test | 50–300 mg/L Cya | 907 10 | |
Compact photometer PF-3 Pool | - |
919 340, 934 102 |
in reagent case | 934 … | ||
VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA | 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ | 931 204 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Cyanuric acid | 10–100 mg/L Cya | 931 023 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO pH 6.0 – 8.2 | pH 6.0–8.2 | 931 270 | |
VISOCOLOR ECO Swimming pool | 0.1–2.0 mg/L Cl2; pH 6.9–8.2 | 931 090 | |
NANOCOLOR pH 6.5–8.2 | pH 6.5–8.2 | 918 72 | |
T | |||
Tab equipment for beverages | BioFix Lumi ATP | 946 ... | |
Thiocyanate | NANOCOLOR Thiocyanate 50 | 0.5–50.0 mg/L SCN– | 985 091 |
Tin | QUANTOFIX Tin | 10–500 mg/L Sn2+ | 913 09 |
NANOCOLOR Tin 3 | 0.10–3.00 mg/L Sn | 985 097 | |
TNb | NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 22 | 0.5–22.0 mg/L N | 985 083 |
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 60 | 3–60 mg/L N | 985 092 | |
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 220 | 5–220 mg/L N | 985 088 | |
TOC | NANOCOLOR TOC 25 | 2.0–25.0 mg/L TOC | 985 093 |
NANOCOLOR TOC 60 | 10–60 mg/L TOC | 985 094 | |
NANOCOLOR TOC 600 | 40–600 mg/L TOC | 985 099 | |
Total alkalinity | VISOCOLOR HE Alkalinity AL 7 | 0.2–7.2 mmol/L OH– | 915 007 |
VISOCOLOR ECO Alkalinity TA | 0.10–5.00 mmol/L H+ | 931 204 | |
Duritatea apei | AQUADUR test strips |
3.75–31.25 °e / 3.75–26.25 °e / 3.75–17.50 °e |
912 01 / 912 20 / 912 39 |
AQUADUR Sensitive | 0–1.38 °e | 912 10 | |
1 drop f 1.25 °e f 17.8 mg/L CaCO3 |
935 042 | |
1 drop f 1.25 °e f 17.8 mg/L CaCO3 |
931 029 | |
0.6–25.0 °e / 0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 005 | |
0.06–2.5 °e / 0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 002 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness | 0.05–0.38 °e | 935 080 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 | 1.25–25.0 °e | 985 043 | |
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 | 0.03–1.25 °e | 985 084 | |
Total nitrogen | NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 22 | 0.5–22.0 mg/L N | 985 083 |
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 60 | 3–60 mg/L N | 985 092 | |
NANOCOLOR total Nitrogen TNb 220 | 5–220 mg/L N | 985 088 | |
Total phosphorus | NANOCOLOR Phosphate tests and decomposition with NanOx Metal | ||
Toxicity control | Luminous bacteria toxicity test system BioFix Lumi |
940 …, 945 … |
BioFix A-Tox and N-Tox nitrification inhibition tests |
0–100 % inhibition
970 001 / 970 002 |
TTC / Sludge activity | NANOCOLOR TTC 150 | 5–150 μg TPF | 985 890 |
Turbidity of water | NANOCOLOR Turbidity |
1–100 TE/F/ 0.5–40.0 1/m 1–1000 NTU |
U | |||
Udder diseases | Udder test paper | qualitative | 907 48 |
V | |||
Vat dye conversion, endpoint | Indanthrene yellow paper | qualitative | 907 51 |
W | |||
Duritatea apei | AQUADUR test strips |
3.75–31.25 °e / 3.75–26.25 °e / 3.75–17.50 °e |
912 01 / 912 20 / 912 39 |
AQUADUR Sensitive | 0–1.38 °e | 912 10 | |
1 drop f 1.25 °e f 17.8 mg/L CaCO3 |
935 042 | |
1 drop f 1.25 °e f 17.8 mg/L CaCO3 |
931 029 | |
0.6–25.0 °e / 0.1–3.6 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 005 | |
0.06–2.5 °e / 0.01–0.36 mmol/L Ca2+ |
915 002 | |
VISOCOLOR alpha residual Hardness | 0.05–0.38 °e | 935 080 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness 20 | 1.25–25.0 °e | 985 043 | |
NANOCOLOR Hardness Ca/Mg | 1.25–25.0 °e | 985 044 | |
NANOCOLOR residual Hardness 1 | 0.03–1.25 °e | 985 084 | |
Apa in unt | Wator indicator paper | qualitative | 906 10 |
Apa in solventi organici | Watesmo indicator paper | qualitative | 906 09 |
Apa in benzina sau in rezervoare | AQUATEC test strips | qualitative | 907 42 |
Z | |||
Zinc | QUANTOFIX Zinc | 2–100 mg/L Zn2+ | 913 10 |
VISOCOLOR ECO Zinc | 0.5–3 mg/L Zn2+ | 931 098 | |
NANOCOLOR Zinc 4 | 0.10–4.00 mg/L Zn2+ | 985 096 | |
NANOCOLOR Zinc | 0.02–3.0 mg/L Zn2+ | 918 95 | |
Zirconiu | Zirconium test paper | qualitative, > 20 mg/L Zr4+ | 907 21 |
NANOCOLOR Zirconium 100 | 5–100 mg/L Zr | 985 001 |